Autistic teen dies by suicide after being hit by train – family then finds goodbye video

Joe Langford Tribute Page

Joel had been diagnosed with severe Dyslexia at a young age but still maintained an exemplary record in school. He secured top grades in his GCSE exams and moved up to do A-levels in maths, physics, and chemistry.

However, despite coping well given his differences, Joel’s mother claims he was singled out by bullies and classmates who labelled him “weird”, “loser” and “retard”. Joel felt lonely as a result of the abuse, a point of negativity magnified by the fact that many of his friends moved to new classes or left the school altogether.

Compounding the sense of loneliness, Joel lost his job at Costa Coffee. His mom says that, in particular, hit him hard.

Joe Langford Tribute Page

Yet the real turn for the worst occurred when Joel began his A-levels. According to his mother: “it dawned on him that he had an uncertain future.”

According to reports, local pilot Richard Woodley was the only witness to see Joel throw himself in front of a moving train at 9:10am, March 18. Speaking to an inquest, he said: “At around 9.10am we were traveling at 40mph. As the crossing came into sight I saw a male run out from the left-hand side from the trees.

“I did not see anyone else with him. I thought he was just running across the crossing as many people do, but I put on the emergency brake which cannot be undone until the train has completely stopped. I looked away as the train ran over the male. This was clearly an intentional act.”

Joe Langford Tribute Page

Coroner Crispin Giles Butler agreed with Woodley’s assessment. He told the court: “Joel has explained that it was what he wanted to do and all the evidence corroborates that. He died instantly and there was never any life-saving opportunity.

“There is a significant amount of evidence that confirms Joel’s intentions.”

Rest in peace, Joel Langford. We’re sending all our prayers in the direction of his family at this most difficult of times.

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