77-year-old grandma stands at ATM when 3 men appear: Seconds later, they realize they chose the wrong pensioner to rob

One day, pensioner Winifred went to a cash machine to withdraw some money.

As she stood there, shielding her pin, she noticed someone coming up behind her. Before she had time to act, two men had pulled her off balance. Then, another man appeared.

One reached over Winifred and tried to withdraw £200 from her account.

Acting fast

The men were thieves, and if Winifred didn’t act quickly they were going to drain her account of all its money.

But when one of the men tried to take cash out, Winifred put a plan into action.

She grabbed the man’s collar and slammed his head into the ATM with all the force she could.

She managed to knock the man’s head against the machine three times before the robbers were forced to flee, running like dogs with their tails between their legs.

Winifred then placed a call to the police and the assailants were arrested later that day.

One of the reasons the police were able to identify the men so easily was head wound one of them had sustained as a result of Winifred’s defensive action. They were identified as Piper Dumitru, Florin Gebelscu and Felix Stoica. All three later admitted their guilt in court and were jailed.

According to the prosecutor, the robbers drove to the village to find easy targets.

“They did not care about how this would affect me,” Winifred said, as per British source Metro. “I would definitely say this has changed my life, I will never have the confidence I once did.”

Due to the fact that she had grown up with three brothers and went to the gym four days a week, Winifred fortunately had a doggedness the robbers hadn’t counted on.

Go Winifred! I hope she taught those guys their lesson.

Of course, one should never aim to rob anyone, but three young men taking advantage of a 77-year-old grandmother? That’s simply beyond shameless.

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