Woman hears a desperate cry for help – then does the only thing she can

This heartwarming story was originally shared by a reddit user who was exploring the forest behind her apartment when she found the kitten.

“Barely saw this little girl in the back woods of Mississippi and I couldn’t leave her!” reddit user Ynez wrote.

When Ynez approached the kitten, she noticed that the kitten couldn’t open one of her eyes and was too exhausted to move. So Ynez did the only thing she could. She called her husband and asked him to prepare their home for new family member. Then, she carefully lifted the injured kitten out of the log and took her home.

Once home, Ynez and her husband gave the kitten, whom they named Baby Kitty, the love, care and medical attention she desperately needed. Her new parents stayed up all night looking after their little sweetheart. And the next day, Baby Kitten was feeling well enough to both her eyes and even play a little.

Now, the healthy kitten has become attached to her new adoptive parents and never wants to let go of her mom.

Share this article with your friends so they can meet this little sweetheart and her guardian angel!

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