Hero dog attacks teen suicide bomber who tried to detonate explosives at wedding

April 2017, the small village of Belbelo, Nigeria. Spirits were high and the people were rejoicing: there was a wedding in progress.

Of course, none of the gathered beloved knew that they were minutes away from potential death. As per reports, a teenage girl from an Islamic terrorist group – Boko Haram – unexpectedly turned up and approached the congregation.

It was then that one of the guests noticed his dog was agitated.

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In the blink of an eye, all hell had broken loose. The dog immediately darted for the girl, who looked to be hiding something under her dress.

As per the Daily Telegraph, police spokesman Victor Isuku stated: “This forced the suspect to detonate her explosive while battling to wriggle herself from the claws and jaws of the dog.

“The dog stopped the teenage suicide bomber from detonating her strapped improvised explosive devices on the wedding crowd of people,” Isuku confirmed.

The girl in question had planned to detonate her device in the middle of the wedding, thus killing as many of the guests as possible. It was only through the dog’s heroic actions that her horrible intentions were foiled.

Both the terrorist and the dog were killed that day, though the death toll could so easily have been far higher were it not for the latter’s courageous actions.

The dog made the ultimate sacrifice so that his owner and the others at the wedding would be spared. Such bravery transcends species, and yet again proves just why dogs are such special animals.

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